What a frustrating time of late.
A couple of weeks ago, I sold my Canon 500 f4 lense and bought the Mk2 version. I have had some problems recently with a damaged left shoulder, the one I carry my lense over (some coincidence there perhaps), and the lighter weight should help.
With the whole of this week being non-birding due to family commitments, I took my gear into Canon Repair Centre at Elstree last Friday 2nd August. The 7D requires servicing and I want the new 500 and the 70-200 f2.8 and converters to be matched to it.
Being a member of Canon Professional, (albeit just a Siver member), there should have been a 5 day turn-around so I had expected to collect it all either today or next Monday. However, with the call-in of the new 1DX cameras under warranty, the repair centre was inundated so I have been advised that I should be able to collect it all mid to the end of next week.So nearly three weeks of no photography.
Not being a twitcher as I rarely attend twitches, I am beginning to twitch with lack of action so perhaps I have become a twitcher at last.