Last Tuesday, and despite my worn out knee complaining, I decided to get some fresh air and go to Grafham Water. Weather cloudy during the morning - anything of interest on the dam was pretty non-existent - not a good start but in the birding world, persistence is the by-word these days. Even a couple of Redshank were too flighty to get close enough for a shot.
So over to the harbour - a few gulls and loads of Coot and that was it so over to the hide to rest my knee and lunch. Anything of interest was rather distant but a pair of Goldeneye put on a mating display

with the male coming within reasonable range eventually.

Just after lunch, the sun remembered to obey the BBC weather forecast and made an appearance but still no birds of interest. So I decided to revisit the dam where things had improved. A Teal showed it's colours in the afternoon light,

a Meadow Pipit was feeding along the tideline

and a Pied Wagtail was catching flies on the dam wall.

The very flighty Redshank seemed to have calmed down allowing a close approach.

but, with nothing of real interest, I made my way home, calling in at Fen Drayton Lakes on the way.
A Kestrel was keeping a watch on the trackside in the late afternoon sun searching for supper

and then, for me, the shot of the day with a male Stonechat.

So nothing a real importance but that is the way of things at present. Trying to make the best of what is on offer.