Garth Peacock
Frampton Marsh (again)


Kevin Robson's Tawny Owl hide

Thursday 25th July 2024

Local stuff

Saturday 20th July 2024

More local stuff

Saturday 29th June 2024

Catching up with a local rarity

Friday 14th June 2024

Tanzania - Day 1 - Arusha

Monday 13th May 2024

Spring Tide at RSPB Snettisham

Saturday 13th April 2024

Things didn't go to plan

Friday 5th April 2024

Fowlmere RSPB Cambs

Wednesday 20th March 2024

Another trip to Norfolk

Tuesday 12th March 2024

Frampton Marsh (again)

Tuesday 5th March 2024

Snettisham RSPB

Tuesday 20th February 2024

A new destination for me

Monday 5th February 2024

A change of plan

Tuesday 30th January 2024

Three hours at Grafham Water

Monday 22nd January 2024

A strange week overall.

Friday 19th January 2024

Norfolk Coast

Tuesday 16th January 2024

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Tuesday 5th March 2024

Wednesday 28th February found me beetling in a northerly direction towards the RSPB reserve Framton Marsh - again!! A friend wanted to photograph the Lesser Yellowlegs, an American wader, that seems to have taken up residency. I did manage some shots the last time that I visited but rather distant and no sun. Well, true to the accuracy of the weather forecasters saying sun and cloud, the day was overcast and dull. Far from ideal photography weather.

But, being as stalwart as I am, I made the best of it although the scarcity of birds within range did not help and that included the Lesser Yellowlegs that had diappeared from it's usual spot near the car park.

So, first call the 360 hide but the only bird of passing interest was a Pied Wagtail

Nothing at all at the other hides so we returned to the car and still no Lesser Yellowlegs!!

Moving to the small car park, there were some birds closer in but the weather was still awfull so a high key shot of a Lapwing.

Then a small flock of Dunlin landed in front of us and stayed for a while, with one conveniently preening.

and, although distant, one of my of my favourite wildfowl - a drake Pintail.

So back to the main car park for a coffee and cake in the reception to find that the Lesser Yellowlegs has returned and showed really close.

So, success finally. Pity the the sun was absent.