The past couple of weeks have certainly not been exciting so I will keep this brief.
20th April - Needed petrol so went to the local Tescos to fill up and took my camera for a couple of hours walk around RSPB Fen Drayton. Result - one photo of a Whitethroat and nothing else.

21st April - a day at the WWT reserve at Welney where Glossy Ibis and a White Stork had been reported and 'showing well'. Well they didn't for me - no photos worth keeping.
25th April - Grafham Water where all sorts of interesting stuff had been reported on the dam - once again, not for me. The only bird worth attention was a Pied Wagtail.

Now this should be more interesting. a friend phoned on 24th to say that he had spent much of the day in a private hide overlooking a Green Woodpeckers nest with plenty of activity with Great Spotted Woodpeckers too. The owner, Kevin Robson, a well known local photographer had a booking clear on Tuesday so a quick phone call to confirm and on 26th around 8.00am I was in nearby Fen Drayton settling down for an interesting day.
During the day there were several visits from a female Great Spotted Woodpecker,

a Grey Squirrel that I studiously ignored and a Black Squirrel. Black Squirrels are really a melanistic version of Grey Squirrels but much rarer. Personally. I quite like them because they are usually smaller then their grey cousins and more interesting. I do get them in my garden at home but this one showed well so I succumbed to another few photos.

So what about the Green Woodpeckers? Well, from 800.0am to 3.30pm, not a sign of one so I went home disappointed yet again. And the disappointment was made even worse when I saw that my friend had some good photos from his day on Sunday and Kevin saw frequent visits the next day.
With such poor luck, I resolved to hang up the camera for a few days.
Hopefully my next blog will be more interesting.
Such is wildlife photography!!!!