27th and 28th May 2021. A 24 hour session in the hides by Bourne Hides Lincolnshire, booked with a friend, starting at 7:30 am on the 27th and ending at 7.30am on the 28th.
First we spent the morning in the Wired Hide and bait had been put out for the pair of Kestrels that were nesting in a nearby tree. Nothing happened until 11.00am and then the male visited.
The female paid a fleeting visit only.
Then on to the Pond Hide, set up with all facilities for an overnight stay. The main attraction was Kingfishers but they were absent - a disappointment. The only bird showing was a Black-headed Gull, very common, but with nothing else to do, it was worth taking a few shots of it fishing. Suprisingly, I was delighted with this shot.
The evening approached and Tom Robinsin, the owner, came to put up the lighting for night-time photography. Even in the twilight, the Tawny Owls came in to the bait with repeated visits.
On the main pond, a Grey Heron came and went several times during the night.
The main night-time speciality is the Otter and, eventually, it came amd went several times.
It even came close to the hide to feed and on a basket of fist left out for the non-appearing Kingfishers.
So not a lot of species but good opportunities for photographs that are just a little different from the norm.
Loads more photos in the Recent Additions section of this website.