The last day actually in the delta. Leaving the hotel early morning, the first to appear was a roosting White-tailed Eagle, waiting for the sun to warm the air.
We found another pair of Red-necked Grebes, this time preparing a nest.
This time, we only found the usual suspects again until we were returning to the hotel for lunch and eagle-eyed Zoltan noticed a perched Purple Heron. Always very shy, the boat approached very cautiously until we were able to get full frame shots before it flew off.
I was delighted with this as I have never managed a decent shot of a Purple Heron perched, always in flight.
After lunch, back to another lake where a lone Pygmy Cormorant also totally ignored us getting close.
Plenty of Black-necked Grebes still around, also in various stages of the nesting cycle, some still building, some on eggs and some with young.
Finally, while watching a lone White Pelican, we noticed that it was re-acting to being harrassed by a Black-headed Gull.
A quick change of converter for a really close shot.
The photoboat was quite an experience. Although only 4 photographers and flat bottomed, it was necessary to time the shots between others moving about and also watch any wind-blown waves so there were plenty of duff shots but the facility to get in close to the subjects was amazing.
Tomorrow, it is travelling time. An hour and a half on the boat to Tulcea, pick up the minibus and then several hours drive to the Carpathian Mountains to photograph Brown Bears.