Garth Peacock
Back to Grafham Water


Kevin Robson's Tawny Owl hide

Thursday 25th July 2024

Local stuff

Saturday 20th July 2024

More local stuff

Saturday 29th June 2024

Catching up with a local rarity

Friday 14th June 2024

Tanzania - Day 1 - Arusha

Monday 13th May 2024

Spring Tide at RSPB Snettisham

Saturday 13th April 2024

Things didn't go to plan

Friday 5th April 2024

Fowlmere RSPB Cambs

Wednesday 20th March 2024

Another trip to Norfolk

Tuesday 12th March 2024

Frampton Marsh (again)

Tuesday 5th March 2024

Snettisham RSPB

Tuesday 20th February 2024

A new destination for me

Monday 5th February 2024

A change of plan

Tuesday 30th January 2024

Three hours at Grafham Water

Monday 22nd January 2024

A strange week overall.

Friday 19th January 2024

Norfolk Coast

Tuesday 16th January 2024

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Wednesday 22nd November 2023

I was moderately pleased with the images of the drake Green-winged Teal that I  managed on Tuesday but wildfowl on grey water does not exactly float my boat, so to speak. So last Friday, 17th, I returned with the sun shining - blue water!!!

A definite improvement.

Nothing was showing further up the dam so we left. A mistake. Just the other side of the water tower, the juvenile Great Northern Diver was reported feeding close in to the dam. B****R!!!

Anyway, we had been informed that Lesser Redpolls has been photographed at the RSPB HQ The Lodge Sandy so off we went. I have not been there for several years. Apparently the original hide has been removed and not replaced. We were directed to a small pool with a screen amongst trees so, despite the sunny weather, was in the shade.

Trying to make the best of things, I concentrated on the usual woodland birds dropping in for a drink and a bathe. Coal Tit

Great Tit

and Blue Tit.

a female Pheasant was limping around the far side of the pool allowing a close head shot.

and, at last, a couple of Lesser Redpolls dropped in.

Later on, a pair of Siskins also flew in for a drink.

So no earth shattering photos from here. I do not know why the original hide was removed but this latest set-up is a very poor substitute. I will not visit again in a hurry!!!!